was basically nt in class for da whole day since like preparing for bahas which had went on in the evening... went back class jus 2 gt my freaking sej paper which i hate most!!! nt the subject BUT the ... I ACTUALLY SCORE A !!! was really unbelievable cause what i wrote in the paper was jus all sorts of crap which i think is logical... nt too bad..i still have some common sense...haha...
well, moral time...after recess i have a date with szeling which is to meet in class...nt to do other thing else bt jus 2 get back da paper....LOL!!! she actually said BELUM HABIS MARK LAGI!!! nonsense.... whole week of hols...nvm maybe she is busying with OTHER stuff....
right, time to really do our final preparation...i was basically playing neopets in cyber while listening to szeling's lecture...ooopsss...the game was so fun bt kinda bored after some while...we actually went toilet for about 3-4 times which is abnormal...normally, im a strange visitor of da toilet..ignore why...
went anderson at 2 with pnsalmy's HUGE car...5 of us fit in it...try nt to be norvous bt well its nt easy...tho im laughing all da way bt who knows im actually worry also rite???reached, went in the wrong room for comp pulak...nt our fault tho... waited more than half n hour for it 2 start...gah...so annoying...
started off quite ok la i think...jus some a bit tergagap-gagap...than the bidas part came...da 1st guy was kinda gentlemen n according to their feedbacks he sounds like a reporter...haha...nvm...2nd guy was very irritating n annoying...he is jus keep playing with his facial expression n tats all..3rd guy worst...basically NOT PREPARED!!! the opposition was not really prepare to me cause they dont have facts bt they are just using our points n fight us back with their speech which known as GOYAH LAGI RAPUH!!! hahaha.....
so yeah.. WE WON!!! was being nervous be4 the result was announced...n the best part is we don't even know that we had won when he says USUL HARI INI TELAH DITERIMA!!! LOL...so embarrasing...gosh... best speaker... NURUL ASYIKIN!!! congrates...
more to go... anderson on fri n its NOT EASY... nvm... try our best ppl... n im praying i'll remain as reserve!!! hehehehe....time to continue work...SCRIPT!!!gosh...
eyes closing, brain jaming, shoulder aching, head getting stuck....
go go!
ReplyDeletekick Anderson's butt XD
haha.. jk jk
good luck and have a great debate